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Rehabilitation for

The cutting edge approach to Rehabilitation of Balance,

Neuro-injury, and Vestibular Dysfunction


Add Proprioceptive Rehab to your practice

  • Learn how Proprioceptive Rehabilitation can improve function and promote true recovery in clients suffering from movement disorders, strokes, and brain damage.


  • Evidenced-based and clinically proven activities and techniques allow the therapist to restore gait and function in clients with ataxia from neurologic damage


  • Update your gait and movement rehabilitation approach and master the techniques used at the world's top research and rehabilitation centers. Reduce ataxia, restore balance, and resolve dizziness with Proprioceptive Rehabilitation. If you treat clients suffering from strokes, movement disorders,  or brain damage, this course will give you the tools and confidence to rehab the most complex and difficult cases


  • This comprehensive course covers rehabilitation for clients with stroke, Parkinson's disease, and ataxia. All material from our other four courses is contained in this comprehensive course. 

5 courses designed to teach you everything you need to know to apply proprioceptive training to clients suffering from Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Persistent Vertigo, Ataxia, falls, and unsteady gait.

Evidenced-based and clinically proven. Over 300 information-packed and on-point videos demonstrate Proprioceptive rehab activities and in-depth, easy-to-understand explanations of the conditions that limit balance.


  • Understand key research to support your evidence-based training


  • Improve your ability to diagnose and treat gait abnormalities, ataxia, and vestibular dysfunction


  • Learn unique and proprietary techniques that will allow you to reach new heights of recovery in your most complex cases


Proprioceptive Rehabilitation training will transform your neurorehabilitation approach.

Comprehensive Proprioceptive Rehabilitation for Clients with Ataxia

  • By: Douglas Weiss, PT,  DPT

  • Approved for 24.5 learning hours in multiple states, see approval list

  • Target Audience: Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants

An Online course that allows the PT or PTA to master Proprioceptive Rehabilitation. Learn a new approach to improving function in clients suffering from movement disorders, central vertigo, strokes, and brain damage. Evidence-based and clinically proven. Master the newest techniques used at the world's top research and rehabilitation centers. This course will teach you how to reduce ataxia, restore balance, and resolve vertigo and dizziness in all your neuro clients. Revolutionize how you approach balance and gait training and see a significant change in your client’s function.

NOTE: This course contains content from all 5 PR courses in one online course

How can Proprioceptive Rehab enhance your practice?

  • Discover how proprioceptive training can improve balance and reduce dizziness in your senior clients.


  • Proprioceptive rehabilitation offers a dramatic new approach to treating ataxia in clients suffering from Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and movement disorders


  • Learn the specific ways strokes cause ataxia and movement dysfunction and proprioceptive rehab can significantly improve function.


  • Learn how balance-challenge activities can be more effective than strengthening for neurologic damage. 


  • Improve your gait analysis of clients with brain injury and movement disorders with clinical examples and full explanations. 


  • Learn hundreds of proprioceptive exercises, that can be done with little or no equipment in the gym, hospital room, hallway, or client's home.​


  • Learn how to diagnose and treat persistent central vertigo, one of the most common symptoms of central dysfunction. 

  • More than 300 unique Proprioceptive rehab activities 


  • ​Increase your understanding of balance awareness, proprioception, balance, and vestibular pathways. 


  • Home health and hospital-based therapists will gain a completely new approach to effective proprioceptive rehabilitation. 


  • Deliver a completely new skill set with challenge-based gait training using obstacles, perturbation, and varied surfaces. 


  • Have access to a treadmill with overhead harness? Learn a revolutionary method to improve balance and fall resistance 


  • Discover the most effective methods that result in recovery, not compensation, in clients suffering from stroke and brain injury 


  • Based on 30+ years of clinical practice and thousands of peer-reviewed meta-analysis studies

Over 300 information packed Videos

Understand key research to support evidence based training

Hundreds of unique balance challenge activities

Learn common conditions that limit balance

Therapists: Improve your therapy tool box

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In each course, the Proprioceptive Rehabilitation Curriculum is organized to make it easy to learn.


Students will progress through short, 1-5 minute video lessons that will help them better understand balance loss, ataxia, vertigo, proprioceptive loss, gait analysis and many other important concepts. They will gain a deep understanding of the balance pathways and  how damage to focal areas result in specific balance problems.


Therapists will be provided the key research that provides evidence for the best and most effective balance and ataxia treatments, Finally, the student will learn more than 300 Proprioceptive activities that they will use to rehabilitate their client’s Proprioception, balance, and gait.


On course completion, the student will have comprehensive knowledge of not only how to improve balance but also why this training helps and how to modify it for any client.

Learn how proprioceptive rehab can treat central vertigo

Learn hundreds of unique Proprioceptive activities and the correct way to progress clients

Learn how specific types of neuro injury and disease limit progress and how to effectively apply Proprioceptive technique for maximal progress

Hundreds of unique balance challenge activities

Learn a unique Functional-based approach to clients with ataxia and coordination deficits.

“I've treated clients with vertigo and dizziness for 18 years. This course gave me a new set of tools to help my clients"

Sam, PT, DPT, Queens, NY

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