Proprioceptive Rehabilitation
by Neurolastic™ Institute
Thousands of peer-reviewed research articles have shown that balance-challenging activities are superior to strengthening and walking to reduce falls and increase balance.
Comprehensive Proprioceptive Rehabilitation for Clients with Ataxia
Total Hours 24.5 Hours
Course Education Level: Intermediate
Target Audience: Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants
Learn how Proprioceptive Rehabilitation can improve function and promote true recovery in clients suffering from movement disorders, strokes, and brain damage.
Evidenced-based and clinically proven activities and techniques allow the therapist to restore gait and function in clients with ataxia from neurologic damage.
Update your gait and movement rehabilitation approach and master the techniques used at the world's top research and rehabilitation centers. Reduce ataxia, restore balance, and resolve dizziness with Proprioceptive Rehabilitation. If you treat clients suffering from strokes, movement disorders, or brain damage, this course will give you the tools and confidence to rehab the most complex and difficult cases.
Receive 31 CEUs, with this comprehensive course covering rehabilitation for clients with stroke, Parkinson's disease, and ataxia